Friday, 23 January 2015

Glitter and Hearts Featuring Texture Me True.

Glitter and Hearts

Featuring Texture Me True.

Owner of Texture Me True, Gerard Tunwarm has been hard at

work again to bring the creatures and patrons of Secondlife

three more gorgeous texture packs.

This is "Hazy Glittered Rose Fabric Texture". It comes with 6

different colours in the pack (Pink, Red, Silver, Purple,

Gold/Silver and Silver/Pink)

To show you what it would look like used, I put the Pink

on a dress to give you some idea. It would also look great

on upholstery, cushions etc.

It's currently in store priced at 300L


This is "Chiffon Delicate Sparkle Seamless Fabric Texture".

The pack come with 6 different colours (Red, Pink, Blue, Teal,

Lilac and White).

Again, as a bit of a visual aid, I put Teal on a dress for you to see

but the possibilities are endless.

This pack is currently in store priced at 300L


Texture Me True now has 1000 groupies and to celebrate

Gerard has but out this gorgeous pack of Valentine's inspired

textures as a free gift for members.

It doesn't cost to get into the Texture Me True Group and

Texture Me True brings out quite regular group gifts and is

involved in many hunts throughout the year so why not

come over to the newly refurbished store, click the group joiner

and pick up this free gift as well as many other group gifts in store.

Come on, join the rest of us Texture Me True Fondlers and

get your hands on Gerard's awesome textures.

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