The Full Perms Festive Fair
presented by Texture Me True.
Texture Me True in collaboration with various
different designers are bring the
Full Perms Festive Fair to second life.
Nocturnal Couture - UNDERGROUND - Fantasy China Ali's Mesh
Pierre Ceriano - Mesh Opotamia - TT Trendy Templates
Sour Pickles - matti rae's - Mesh it - Tool Shed - Clutter For Builders
Unique Fairy Designs - Izzy <3 Mesh - E+D Engineering - Fabric Lab
Texture Me True
Designers bring you everything Full Perms,
perfect for builders of all kinds. They bring us
everything from Materials and Fabrics to Clothes
and Accessories, from Decorations to Building Items.
Why not come on over, even if you aren't a
builder, the tunes are great and there are other
stores around the market place too so a shopping
chance for all.
A little word about the event sponser
Gerard Tunwarm & Texture Me True.
Texture Me True is a store packed from seiling to floor full of every kind of
Fabric Texture you can think of. He has everything from Bridal Textures,
Silks, Glittery, Sparkly, Feathers, Furs, Leathers, Belts, Satins, Grunge, Cotton,
Gems, Retro and lots more. If you can't find the fabric in there then you didn't
look hard enough. Joining the group for FREE!!! brings it's own perks.
Gerard is always trying to bring patrons something new, something different
and I must admit, Texture Me True is my favourite texture store.
While your at the Fair, come take a look, you won't be disappointment and why
not say Hello to Gerard who can be usually found in his store while he's on SL.
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