Friday, 12 September 2014

A Little Kitty Community

A New Little Home.

Two weeks ago I started seeing notifications about a new kitty Sim called Corona that had started up and was offering amazing deals on stores to rent for KittyCatS!.

The offer sounded too good to be true so I went to have a look and found a gorgeous little sim, plainly but beautifully decorated, with all you could need for selling KittyCats!.

They have gorgeous Stores, nicely decorated making it easy enough to stamp your own little mark on it. There are rules about decorating and I advise you always read the rules BEFORE renting.

Stores are L$ 250 for 235 Prims ...... YES you see right, that's nearly L$ 1 per prim, the best rate I have seen on ANY Kitty Sim.

They also have carts for those who don't have so many kitties to fill a shop which are priced at L$ 50 for 85 Prims ....... That's over 1 and a half prims per Linden.

They have 16 bid boards all ready for you to add your kitty. The bid boards are priced at L$1 per day and are easy to use. Simply place your kitty on the ledge, right click where it tells you to pay, pay the amount that it states for the time you require. Now your ready to set your price. Left click the board and click where it says "Minimum Bid", it then gives you instructions to follow and once that's done, spam spam spam that kitty (Take a LM from infront of the board so people don't have to search).

They also have 100% love kitty stands for all those 100% love kitties, ready for you to take home and make gorgeous kitties with. Blue for boys and red for girls and this service is free to use to all tenants as long as you have enough prim allowance for the kitty.

At Corona they also have an Accessories Area for all your Kitty Accessories (Collars & Hats) Again always check any rules before renting. Rent is currently set at L$ 20 per 85 Prims but that may yet change.

Although there aren't many shops and stalls filled at the moment, it's a beautiful sim and I believe once more people rent here, this could truly be a great little KittyCatS! Community. Come and check the place out and you'll see what I mean.

LM For Corona KittyCatS! Sim:

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